Wednesday, January 30, 2013

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Sambas optimistic to increase rice yields and a granary of West Kalimantan. Moreover, the support of local government and the provincial and central levels is always flowing to farmers.

"Government assistance to realize the National Rice Production Enhancement Program (P2BN), including through the provision of 302 tractors, production facilities, and agricultural tools," said Ir H Daryanto MT, Head of Agriculture and Livestock (Distanak) Sambas district, Tuesday (8 / 1).
Daryanto who is also Chairman of the Executive Team P2BN Sambas explained, the target of rice planting area within its jurisdiction in 2012, reaching 92,895 hectares. Land that has been explored to date has reached 78,716 hectares of crops.
"The target of rice production in the year 2012 as many as 307,920 tons, but the harvested area reached 78,716 hectares of rice production at least we have increased compared to last year. All this can not be separated from the support of the province, both seeds and other assistance, "said Daryanto.
In 2013, the Department of Agriculture Sambas received a lot of help from the government. Among agricultural machinery and livestock animals. All of this assistance has been given to the farmer groups, such as help 302 tractor units, one unit dryer for drying rice in the district Jawai. Besides fertilizer aid to an area of ​​seven hectares of as much as 3.5 tons of types of MPK, a unit of rice milling equipment in Temajok, leading to immediate relief seed planting one hectare area. While the meat self-sufficiency program in 2013, Sambas regency get 509 cows.

"Efforts to increase rice production continues to increase with increasing population. That spurred farmers to better understand the wide range of technologies, including 302 tractors maximize assistance from the government. Although the tractor is still entrenched in Sambas, but we should be optimistic that these tools can support increased rice production in Sambas district, "said Daryanto.

From the structure of the soil, Sambas has a high potential, supporting increased productivity of rice. In 2012 Sambas and productivity of rice reached 34.35 quintal / hectare, expected 2014 surplus can be achieved.

In order to lead a surplus of rice, efforts must be made to expand the planting area of ​​land that is balanced with efforts to increase rice productivity. "In terms of the amount of aid as much as 302 tractor units, it is estimated that every village will have two units of tractors. Surely this is a good opportunity, it is expected that these tools can assist the farmers to more effectively increase the production of rice, "he hoped.

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