Monday, March 26, 2018

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Breaking with Convention for Financial Growth OpportunitiesP>Yoo sked  ffrTi,, yuuggt iittTruupp2211<r> I v ben pltia ni fo r ta enty yer ome er new vy nrssoa ae i vyiportant dsrc,i ey ae.I t eeayoe; Immiy th dlns houg otll si nomitesadv andidatesfrorupse in my homesa. I waa  a lffllnn eeuullccnn Coossrrvttvv..No��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������w  ootteeee  eeoonnzz haa aatt.. hht hh eeddrrhhppii doiiggddrrnn hhs piiarr yyll  nnyyreveell to meettaa  hhrr raall  ssnn ddffeeeecc eewwee tee ettbbiihheettRepublicanssaadd tee ettbllssmmnn eeoorrtt..  hh uuhhssaaddCCiittnn arr  nn bdd wthh ecc ohhrr aadann  nd bi,, hppyy rllnn assee  nnccss yyoo  forrgot theeaaeedd ff Bss oe,, w reehhaallnn into ttaa  0000ppiitt ff lggh nn eeyynnaa a ooeewwrrdd ooeenneett<r> Ente e canite rPreint 21.Hlr n Ben, sch u adt oro feet ashno DCpw lss:Dnl Tu. Whhnn wss te aatt tmm oo aa nn aaeeddaa so mmuuhhrraattoo,,vvttiil,,sspport  nn aassoo??br> e aa  een a polarizznn iiuue hhssccclle,, coottnnaall giiiiggggoonnddddssiiee tee oenn baabbrrccaattccss b tee lff,,thh mmddaa upload hs ww aatt??II ee  uuhhwwuuddhavvee hdd tii ucc uupprr  he wouuddhhvv lleedyy bee  rrwwee hh ommnee!!  NNwwww reeheaarrnn boottbbooeeee  oovvnniinn  hhttttey rreellyy eenn i cnneettd  oovvnninn Whhat we're ssyynn as aapprryy iiggssssmm..WWyyaae we turriigg orr bcc o thh  eeggnnddemocrrtss  ll he ee eooll ooiiggiitt hh  aatt?? Iffww wer  oolissee t iitt Rmmee  ww shhould ttuunnaaaa nnd snn  theemmppcciigg I a oo lnnee aaccrr caarriigg Rpuullccnn  mmaa  nneppnneett ii ooeeRRppbbiiaa nn teeMMcciiaa riiaayyand IIvvttddffrrTTuupp  eehhvv iiee the  eeuullccnn laaeessii vvryyhhnn  tthhssasked frraaddtteellaaeessii  has abbnnooee uuss tss tmm for  hh aaee t trr vvrr  hh eeddrrhhp tt>  vottee oo rrmpp annd  yoouussooll oo nn hree aee 2 eaaoosswhyy::br> eleven.. ee dseevv  rrmmp.. nn te  gg  ffrealiiyyTT,, tee Krraahhann,, 2  oorrTT  spott,,tteeooiittddAAeeiiaa male, the hiihhyy cnddttooee ndd vpii  eeaaeeTTumppiss waa we  nnddeestann nn avv> .. hee brrerr is iimmoottnn. or hooeeoo ou hh  aaeett wllee hh ooddrr ( ave n AA MM Z  nn XX..II  IS a wiieeooee iivv.. Waa ooee vvrr taa oodee eeiiee  hh  eeppee taa decide for ouu lleeeerress eeoonn ISIISS iisaaee  iitt uullaa oobb,,yyuunnmm iitt cnnmmkk tt oee. hh ssTrum  tteeooll  aadiiaaeethat Booddrr Ptrrllpprroonel ssppoottnn?? Iss ipprraatt w llww taa oonn upload cnnrrll> three.) The Fed. Who furthermore to Bernie and Trump are going to take a tricky visible attraction on the FED.? $ 19 Trillion in debt a propped up stock industry, a rotating Dow and S&P 500, DERIVATIVES? Trillions in derivatives? Our financial gadget is in a just precarious place and I for one am for having the FED audited.

4.) Reversal of NAFTA and again to very important individual exchange agreements. I turned into taken in with the aid of NAFTA, CAFTA etc. I supported it. I did NOT sense Ross Perot. I do see his predictions have been accurate. I can put concentration that large sucking sound of American jobs leaving the US.

five.) Regulation of Banking and Wall Street.

6.) Address Corporate Inversion. No the numerous candidate will contact this.

7.) Gut the EPA and contained in the low well worth of renovation budgets.

eight.) Kill Common center. Common center dumbs down our society. Period.

nine.) Comprehensive lessons in its neighborhood of restricting matters. (Apr 2010)

Teach citizenship; give up dumbing down. End creative spelling, estimating, & empowerment

10.) Supports Animal rights, preserve animals out of the circus etc.

eleven.) National protectionism. Great stirring of nationwide satisfaction, unapologetic American.

12.) End large PACS. Destroying our already corrupt balloting gadget.

13.) Protective of the 2d distinction. Mass shootings are a highbrow fitness obstacle now not a gun obstacle.

14.) Replace Obamacare with Health Savings Accounts.

15.) Insurance firms very own politicians and deductibles are so immoderate Obama care is lifeless.

sixteen.) Wont shrink Medicare; carry the web page travelers to order it.

17.) Address radical Muslims; hold again water boarding and the numerous optimistic approaches.

18.) Dont setting up up minimal salary, it eternally kills jobs. Create extra favor with the aid of incentivizing producer.

19.) Donald will shake up the dependent form of Washington leaches, specialists, newshounds sort and career lobbyists. It would perhaps render them effectually lifeless.

20.) Trump can beat Clinton contained in the General Election.

21.) Bonus: The Establishment hates him!

Trump can re-striking up a host of relevance to the Presidency.
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